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EEP/Shiree-Uttaran SEMPTI Project

Foundation has targeted 1635beneficiaries of extreme poor andlandless households to improvetheir livelihood through cultivationand management of khash landand khash water bodies. Theproject will ensure access to khash land and khash water bodiesthrough providing legal support, civil society Distribution RickshawVan for IGA mobilization, capacity building of Union Foundationand staff members.


To established a non-explicated, environmentally sound, surplus and rights based community


The goal of Mukti Foundation is to promote participation, self- reliant, environmentally sustainable development of the poor to help them alleviate poverty and achieve their potential and empowerment of the Project areas are benefiting from the VGD Program


To bring the positive change of livelihood like to get better education, improve health, safe water, deluge environment, employment and to establish rights to khash land of the poor through participation and accountability.